Our Mission
We strive to create a community of like minded women who:
*enjoy exploring their sensuality through movement and dance
*believe women have more in common with each other than they do differences
*agree to help empower each other in and out of the studio.
Studio X was created with the intentions of offering a safe, comfortable space for women to discover the uninhabited SEXY that resides in all of us, providing safe class instruction with inspiring instructors, and providing quality YOU time.....all while getting in some fitness.
We believe that sexuality, and sensuality is a major part of over all health and well being and should not be neglected or ignored just because of it's nature. Combine discovering your sexy ish, with keeping your body in good physical health through exercise, and creating life long, loving friendships with other woman...and you have what we have come to know as STUDIO X.
The Studio
Studio X has been the only studio in Fayetteville NC to offer pole dance classes for the past 10 years...and counting! Our beautiful studio has 2 class rooms, a bathroom, and boutique area. The pole room has 9 twelve foot tall poles, 5 aerial hammocks and 2 aerial hoops, full length mirrors, party lighting that can be set to any color or color combos you want, and cubbies for storing your belongings! Our back room has seductive red and blue lighting, 8 foot mirrors and a smooth floor to dance on! Our check in and boutique area is small but allows us to carry pole necessities like shorts and tops from BAD KITTY, grip aid from DRY HANDS, dance shoes from PLEASER, and more for your convenience!